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아시아 전체 목록
네팔 Central Bureau of Statistics
동티모르 Direccao Nacional de Estatistica
레바논 Central Administration for Statistics
마카오 Statistics and Census Service
말레이지아 Department of Statistics Malaysia
몽골 National Statistical Office
미얀마 Central Statistical Organization
방글라데시 Bureau of Statistics
베트남 General Statistics Office of Vietnam
부탄 National Statistics Bureau
사우디아라비아 Central Department of Statistics and Information
스리랑카 Department of Census and Statistics
싱가포르 Singapore Department of Statistics
아랍에미레이트 National Bureau of Statistics
요르단 Department of Statistics
우즈베키스탄 State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics
이란 Statistical Centre of Iran
이스라엘 Central Bureau of Statistics
인도 Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
인도네시아 BPS- Statistics Indonesia
일본 Japan Statistics Bureau and Statistics Center
중국 National Bureau of Statistics of China
카타르 Statistics Authority
캄보디아 National Institute of Statistics
쿠웨이트 Central Statistical Bureau
키르키스탄 National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic
타지키스탄 State Statistical Committee of Tajikistan
태국 National Statistical Office Thailand
파키스탄 Pakistan Bureau of Statistics
팔레스타인 Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
필리핀 Philippine Statistics Authority
한국 Statistics Korea
홍콩 Census and Statistics Department
오세아니아ㆍ아프리카 전체 목록
가나 Ghana Statistical Services
남수단 National Bureau of Statistics
남아프리카공화국 Statistics South Africa
뉴질랜드 Statistics New Zealand
르완다 National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
말라위 National Statistical Office of Malawi
모로코 Direction de la Statistique
모잠비크 Instituto Nacional de Estatistica
세네갈 Agence Nationale de la Statistique de la Demographie
수단 Central Bureau of Statistics
오스트레일리아 Australian Bureau of Statistics
우간다 Uganda Bureau of Statistics
이집트   Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics
케냐 National Bureau of Statistics
탄자니아 National Bureau of Statistics
유럽 전체 목록
그리스 National Statistical Service of Greece
그린란드 Statistics Greenland
네덜란드 Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek(CBS)
노르웨이 Statistics Norway
덴마크 Statistics Denmark
독일 Federal Statistical Office of Germany
라트비아 Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia
러시아 Federal State Statistical Service
루마니아 National Institute of Statistics
룩셈부르크 Le Portail des Statistiques
리투아니아 Statistics Lithuania
리히텐슈타인 Bureau of Statistics
말타 National Statistics Office
몰도바 National Bureau of Statistics
벨기에 Statistics Belgium
벨라루스 National Statistical Committee
불가리아 National Statistical Institute(NSI)
스웨덴 Statistics Sweden(SCB)
스위스 Swiss Statistics
스페인 Instituto Nacional de Estad?stica
슬로바키아 Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
슬로베니아 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
아이슬란드 Statistics Iceland
아일란드 The Central Statistics Office(CSO)
알바니아 Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)
에스토니아 Statistics Estonia
영국 Office for National Statistics(ONS)
오스트리아 Statistics Austria
우크라이나 The State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine
이탈리아 National Institute of Statistics(ISTAT)
체코 Czech Statistical Office
크로아티아 Croatian Bureau of Statistics
키프로스 Statistical Service of the Republic of Cyprus
포르투갈 Instituto Nacional de Estatistica(INE)
폴란드 Central Statistical Office
프랑스 Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques(INSEE)
핀란드 Statistics Finland
헝가리 Hungarian Central Statistical Office

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